Not all carbs are created equal!
I’m sure when you started learning about diabetes, carbs, and what might impact your blood sugar, whoever taught you tried to make things REALLY SIMPLE:
They said that carbs are carbs and they will raise your blood sugar except the problem is this couldn’t be any further from the truth!
Yes, carbs are the nutrient to raise your blood sugar the fastest, however, different kinds of carbs will have different impacts on your blood sugar.
Carbs break down at different speeds. The faster they break down, the faster your blood sugar is impacted.
For example, if you eat a piece of whole wheat bread, your blood sugar will likely rise some and then come back to normal (assuming your dose is correct with amount and timing)
If you eat a piece of sourdough bread, your blood sugar is likely to spike a LOT faster because of the makeup of the carbs in the sourdough bread.
On the flip side, if you eat a piece of broccoli, your blood sugar may not even spike at all!
(Broccoli is mainly fiber, which normally has minimal to no impact on BGs)
So what’s your takeaway here?
Pay attention to the types of carbs that you are eating.
Recognize that fibrous carbs are going to impact your blood sugar slower and much less.
Don’t treat all carbs the same because it will not do you any favors.
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